

七彩花园 慕联教育 浏览量(1848)



✍ 学校生活及学习成绩

1. 在……方面取得进步 make progress in

2.学业进展得好get on/along well with one’s study.

3.……上成功 succeed in sth.

4.积极参与take an active part in ...

5.一心扑在……上 put one’s heart into

6.解决数学问题work out a maths problem

7.在某方面提高自己improve oneself in


1. 检查学生的作业 examine the students’ homework

2.仔细批改学生的作业correct the students’ homework carefully

3.与某人相处得好get on/along well with sb.

4.……友好 be gentle with sb.

5.提问raise a question

6.对学生要求严格be strict with one’s students

7.对工作要求严格be strict in work

8.由于某事赞扬某人praise sb. for sth.

9.努力教某人养成良好的学习习惯try to teach sb. to develop good study

10. 使课堂生动并且吸引人make one’s lessons lively and interesting


1. 周末去野餐 have a picnic over the weekend

2.举行运动会hold a sports meeting

3.……做好一切准备 get everything ready for

4.享受一次家庭旅游enjoy a family trip

5. 去远足 go for an outing 6. 在浙江观光 see the sights of Zhejiang

✍ 互相沟通

1. 了解…… get information about

2.表达自己的思想/想法 express one's idea/feeling

3.向某人解释某事explain sth. to sb.

4.收到某人来信hear from5. 谈论 talk about

5.给某人带口信take a message for sb.

6.给某人送口信send a message to sb.

8. 因……而感谢thank you for

✍ 人物态度

1. 愿意做某事 would like to do sth.

2.给人意味深长的一笑give sb. a meaningful smile

3.允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.

4.阻止某人做某事prevent sb. from doing sth.

5.号召某人做某事call on sb. to do sth.

6.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth.

7.赞扬某人speak highly of sb.

8.对某人评价很高think highly of

9.强迫某人做某事force sb. to do sth.

10.主动提出做某事offer to do sth.

11.向某人表示感谢show sb one’s thanks

12.是难忘的be unforgettable

13.拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.

14. 同意做某事 agree to do sth15. 最好做某事 had better do sth.

✍ 事情过程

1. 陷入困境中 get into trouble

2.帮助某人解决困难help sb. o ut

3.有做某事的习惯have the habit of doing sth.

4.做某事没有困难have no troubleindoing sth.

5.下定决心做某事make up one’s mind to do sth.

6.……做准备 prepare ...for

7.放弃做某事give up doing sth

8.向某人展示如何做某事show sb. how to do sth.

9. 情不自禁做某事 can’t help doing sth


1.……感到高兴be pleased with

2.担心某事be worried about sth.

3.……抱歉 be sorry for

4.……惊讶 be surprised at

5.对某事生气be angry about sth.

6.对某人生气be angry with sb.

7.期待做某事expect to do sth.

8.希望做某事wish to do sth.

9.……有很好的理解 have a good understaning of

10. 认识到 realize that 11. 注意到 take notice of


1. 得病 develop a disease

2.身体不健康be in good poorhealth

3. 量体温 take one’s temperature

4. 发高/低烧 have got a highslightfever

5. 没什么严重的It’s nothing serious.

6. 救某人的命 save one’s life

7. 感到虚弱 feel weak

8. 身体某部位感到疼痛 have got a pain in ...

9. 躺在床上 stay in bed


1. 我很高兴收到你的来信。I am delighted to receive your letter.

2. 了解到......很开心 It’s a great pleasure to learn that...

3. 时光飞逝 How time flies!

4. 谢谢你给我的信 Thanks for your last letter.

5. 我写信是想问你下个星期能不能来 I am writing to ask if you can come next week.


1. 祝你旅途愉快 Wish you a pleasant journey.

2. 祝你成功 wish you success.

3. 欢迎你下次再来中国 Looking forward to your next visit to China.


1.……有问题There is something wrong with……

2.碰巧It happens that ...

3.据说It is said that ..

4.缺乏be short of

5.忙于做某事be busy (in) doing sth

6.……变成 change……into

7.浪费时间做某事waste time doing sth.

8.人花费时间做某事sbspend time doing sth.

9.除了做某事外,别无选择have no choice but to do

10.落后于fall behind

11. 追赶上 catch up with








